Thursday, December 6, 2012

News The Media is Missing....

OK, the grim reality of 4 more years of increased socialist/communist rule in D.C. surely has many of you bleakly looking at this country's future and shaking your head.

While I was sorely disappointed in the election results, myself, I can't say that they were a "shock" to me.   I expected, and hoped for different results, but frankly, given the fact that there can be no SOLUTIONS out of D.C., even if the Republicans would have gained the White House and Senate, that would have, at best, meant a slowing of the progress down a socialist/communist path, not a turn around. 

So if you will allow me some political commentary, and some sharing of positive news, perhaps we can enjoy what few rays of sunshine which still persist in our country, and from there work to make larger inroads for the true cause (and solution) of Liberty. 

Shortly after the election, we have been presented with several polls which indicate that a large majority of the people do not want government run health care.   (I know, it makes little sense, they voted for the twits who instituted it, ramming it down their throats, but there was obviously more to this election cycle than the facts.)   

What this means to me is that a majority of the people in this country, and certainly a majority of the people in many of the states, oppose Obowma Care.     In fact, this notion is supported by the fact that many states have introduced (over 40) and 14 have passed, either laws or state Constitutional amendments barring the implementation of a mandated government run health care program.   

Given the poll results above, the momentum within the states to bar this unConstitutional federal action, and the fact that the true ills of Obowma Care will start to take effect in January, the number of people in the states to want to stop it will increase, thus the number of states barring its implementation will increase.   

In fact, while the media focused on the federal election results, they glossed over the fact that on Nov 6th, 5 states had votes on barring Obowma Care, to one degree or another, with 4 of them passing such measures, 2 of them state Constitutional amendments.

This is not to say that the "war" was won, but rather that many battles were won on November 6th.    And while a couple of large battles were indeed lost, there were MANY small battles won, on that day alone.    But looking at the larger picture, the small battles wage on, and are being won.

Just yesterday, in a predominately liberal state, Michigan, the legislators in the House voted 107-0, to prevent any officials in that state, including law enforcement and National Guard, from implementing, or assisting in implementing, NDAA.   (quick brief on NDAA for those who may not know.   This federal law has a provision in it which allows for indefinite detention of anyone, including American citizens, without due process, bail, or even access to the court system, if the federal government deems them a "terrorist".   Please also consider the DHS paper a couple of years back, which essentially deemed all gun owners, Christians, Ron Paul supporters, Tea Party activists, Home schoolers, and many others as get the picture I am sure)

Couple this small victory of yesterday, with the many victories on this issue, of last year, and we have many such victories.   17 states have introduced legislation, some very liberal ones, to bar the implementation of NDAA in their state.   And again, as the states reconvene their legislatures after this Nov 6th election, I suspect we will seem many more states take up legislation to bar NDAA and many other federal usurpations of power. 

The key to remember is that victory for Liberty can not be had at the federal level, regardless of who is in power in D.C.    Even if the most Liberty minded President in history were to be elected, he would lack the power to force Liberty upon the people of this country, or the various states.   This process MUST originate from the People, and then be translated through their states, upon the federal government.    This process has been gaining momentum year after year, gaining more steam as the federal government becomes more aggressive in their power grabs.  

So I fully anticipate that given the election results, the federal government will become ever increasingly aggressive in grabbing power and making unilateral edits upon the people and the states.   This will have a resulting backlash and the momentum of state nullification will gain, in direct opposition to this power grab from D.C.    

While the media is fully vested in convincing the majority of the people of this country that the federal government is "all powerful", and can not be thwarted, in the background, reality is gaining more and more traction, as the People, via their states, are erecting Constitutional barriers to the federal government's usurpations.   

Of course, there is no telling where this all will truly lead.   I fully expect that the socialist/communist in D.C. to use every tool available to them to keep their power and to grab even more.    In fact, history clearly tells us that these socialist/communist people will nearly always resort to civil war to retain power, or if they feel they can use this tool to force their will more quickly.   

A different result in the elections of Nov 6th, at best would have lessened the possibility of such a civil war, but that is not the case.   We now have fully entrenched socialist/communists in our federal government, and they will do what is in their nature, and that it to oppress others, and implement tyranny.   The question which awaits our country is will they receive enough opposition from the people, via Constitutional means, to convince them that an outbreak of civil war will not net them victory or gains?    

At this point, I say it is far to soon to make a prediction in that area.   However, given the momentum of the State Nullification movement, and the unbelievably massive and record sales of firearms and ammo to the American people, I say their prospects of "success" in a civil war is waning.    In fact, we can also include in this, the fact these socialist/communist have made perfectly clear they are determined to destroy our military, one has to ask, to whom do they turn to wage this civil war for them?   

All in all, the progress and successes which were being made in this country (and the hearts and minds of the people) have not been stopped by the Nov 6th election results, and continue on.   This is the true progress of Liberty in this country, the 6th was merely a minor setback, which may be seen, in the future, as a necessary event to help this process along.    How many people may have "gone back to sleep" had "their guy" gotten in to the White House?   

So happy Thursday to you all.     I am looking forward to the celebration of Christ's birth with my family, unless the Mayans get us all first, in which case, I suspect that we will be sharing birthday cake with Christ Himself, which is not a bad alternative at all.

This letter was sent to me by a friend who asked to remain anonymous. Some folks will know him by the amont of FUN he had with his FAL, er. Thanks to Fun